5 things that make a woman irresistible

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but it usually takes more than a tasty meal to truly bowl him over. Here are five traits that men simply cannot resist.

1. A positive attitude
It’s amazing what looking on the bright side can achieve. In 1937 Author Napolean Hill deemed the effect of positive thinking to be so powerful that he structured his bestseller around the concept and coined the term Positive Mental Attitude, or PMA. Nowadays we’re all too familiar with the notion of PMA and its influence in our achievements, but who knew that having a positive attitude can actually make women appear better looking to men? Psychologist Viren Swami found that pictures of women which came with a list of optimistic personality traits would be rated as more attractive as the same picture with negative attitude traits. Excellent!

2. Confidence
Think of your friend who’s the biggest hit with the boys. Is she the prettiest girl you know? Not always. But she probably knows how to carry herself, smiles a lot, holds eye contact and appears comfortable in all kinds of social situations. The bottom line is if you appear to be happy with yourself then the world, and in this case, men, will usually agree with you. As psychologist Berenecea Johnson-Eanes puts it, confident women are "intriguing and more interesting because they tend not to be burdened by the fear of low self-esteem." And this effect can extend into relationships too: "A confident woman will come to the relationship whole and not in need of confirmation of value from his or her mate. This is one of the most powerful and special characteristics one can offer to a relationship."

3. Curves
“Women with curvy hips and smaller waists are to men as beer is to an alcoholic,” according to Steven Platek of Georgia Gwinnett College, who believes that the modern woman has been “duped into thinking men like very skinny, waify, Kate Moss-type girls,". That’s right, women are meant to have large bottoms, full breasts and grabbable thighs. According to Platek, wider hips are “generally indicative of better overall physical health” and this is recognised by men on a primal level. So, where’s the cake?

4. Her voice
There is a reason why Paris Hilton puts on that artificially high voice; apparently men go weak at the knees at women with a high-pitched voice. Research by David Feinberg found that men perceive attractiveness to increase with the pitch of the woman’s voice, but interestingly, it didn’t matter whether the woman was artificially increasing her voice’s pitch or whether it was natural. Scientists speculate that this is because the pitch of a woman’s voice reflects her size and therefore health. Can that really be it? We say just whisper if you have any doubt about where you fall on the scale.

5. A good sense of humour
This would be one way of putting it, or another might be a woman who laughs at her partner’s jokes. As Psychologist Eric Bressler of McMaster University tactfully puts it “the importance of humour is different for men and women”. In his 1995 study of the role of humour in relationships, Bressler found that men will choose a woman based on her capacity to laugh at his jokes while women tend to go for ‘humour producers’. Goes some way to explaining the womanising charms of Steve Coogan and James Corden then. Anyway, it’s good to know that if all else fails she can just nod and laugh and she’s halfway there.

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